ICM Sports Complex

Stay Fit, Play Basketball!

Since its inception in 1891, Basketball has been a sport that has kept athletes and recreational players healthy and physically active. Invented by James Naismith, who played the first ever match using peach baskets, basketball is competitively a winter sport, it is played on a 12-month basis—on summer playgrounds, in municipal, industrial, and church halls, in school yards and family driveways, and in summer camps—often on an informal basis between two or more contestants.

Basketball grew steadily but slowly in popularity and importance in the United States and internationally in the first three decades after World War II. Over time it has become one of the favourite sports amongst people and has a diehard fan club. This thrilling sport is not just great entertainment and fun but also provides immense health benefits.

Health Benefits of Playing Basketball

Strengthens Muscles

The game of basketball involves strength, agility, and stamina. Its highly dynamic nature challenges players to continuously shift momentum and direction. You are always in a state of muscle contractions, especially in the lower part of the body. Basketball is a great way for you to improve your body composition with lean muscle mass along with burning calories all at the same time.

Hearth Health

Basketball is all about quick actions and to-and-fro motions up and down the court. Simply put, the whole game is a cardiovascular workout. Basketball players will see improved cardiorespiratory fitness levels over time, as your heart becomes more effective at carrying oxygen to muscles throughout your body.

Balance & Coordination

Basketball players need to have a sense of hand-eye and foot coordination with all the jumping, pivoting, and constant change of direction. Ball-handling skills and footwork will improve the more you play.

Bone Density

According to a 2020 study comparing basketball players with swimmers, soccer players, and volleyball players, the research indicated that the BMD of basketball players may be one of the highest levels. A 2018 study reached similar findings, reporting that playing basketball over longer periods influences the leg bones in a positive way. BMD was significantly higher for both male and female players that participated in team sports than a sedentary control group of peers. Indeed, an unexpected result demonstrated that even older participants had greater skeletal mass than younger control inactive group. This is evidence that prolonged participation in sports has its huge benefits!

Research has also suggested that when you do high-impact, weight-bearing exercises (Think: A concurrent combination of these activities, i.e. jumping, dancing and hiking along with strength training or resistance exercises such as squats, deadlifts and barbell curls can lead to a desirable effect on bone health. It should be mentioned that resistance training seems to have the most impact on BMD.

Improves body composition

In a 2018 studyTrusted Source, researchers found that playing basketball had a positive effect on overall body composition. In this study, untrained men underwent 3 months of street basketball training, which had a positive effect on overall fitness and body composition. After the training, the men increased their lean body mass and lowered their body fat percentage.

Provides Strength Training

By playing basketball, you get an excellent full-body workout. This helps in the development of lean muscle. It can help develop your lower back, neck, deltoids, traps, and core muscles. It also makes your legs stronger, and the movements like shooting and dribbling help strengthen your arms, hand muscles and wrist flexors.

Stress Relief and Mood Enhancement

Playing basketball can be an effective stress reliever and mood enhancer. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosting hormones. The fast-paced nature of basketball, combined with the focus required during the game, helps distract the mind from daily stressors and promotes relaxation.

Additionally, the social aspect of playing basketball with teammates can provide a sense of camaraderie and support, further contributing to stress reduction and improved mood.

Cognitive Function and Mental Sharpness

The game of basketball consists of several perceptive skills, including, but not limited to, dynamic thinking, instant decision-making, and speedy reflexes. Players should be thinking, scouting opponent’s movement and making split-second decisions. This continued interaction of the mind promotes better cognitive skills, which improves one’s ability to solve problems, focus, and have mental sharpness. Basketball being a regular sport feature can assist mental processes enhancement and cognitive fitness both on and off court.

Boosted Self-Esteem and Confidence

One other advantage of practicing this sport is that it boosts self confidence and the level of self-esteem. The more adept become players in their skills and performance, the greater are their sense of achievement and personal development. Achieving basketball skills, scoring points or defending the team is a source of an increase in self-esteem and might be a factor in building confidence. Moreover, teamwork nature of basketball set a stage for players to excel and earn praises which positively impacted their self-image and boosted self-confidence.

Emotional Well-being and Resilience

Basketball is known to promote emotional well-being and resilience. The physical activity and intensity of the game benefit by helping release built-up tension, reduce anxiety, and alleviate symptoms of stress. The challenges and setbacks experienced in basketball provide opportunities for players to develop resilience, learn from failures, and bounce back stronger. Conquering obstacles and achieving personal and team goals in basketball can create a sense of accomplishment and emotional well-being.

Improved Focus and Discipline

A success in Basketball depends on focus and discipline, as players need to be controlled to the game, follow strategies, and accomplish skills with a sufficient result. As a result, yet another benefit of playing basketball is that it will teach skills such as better concentration, attention span, and discipline, which can be used later on in any of the life areas. Developing good attention, as well as staying focused and disciplined can be beneficial in both academic and professional dimensions. This will ultimately lead to greater productivity and success.


If you are looking for a fun way to pass your time or want to drop in for a friendly match between friends or just want to practice your skills, visit ICM Sports Complex, Markham, and play to your heart’s content or till your stamina allows.

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